First Town Downtown Windsor CT

Windsor CT Main Street Program
Phone: 860-247-8982

> The Windsor Eco Monarch Festival > Past Events > 2023 Monarch Festival and Upcycled Planter Challenge > 2023 Windsor Monarch Festival > To Our Vendors

To Our Vendors

To Our Vendors
Welcome Vendors!

Here is your vendor information for the Windsor Monarch Festival Saturday, July 8 (rain date July 9).

Parking / Unloading:

There is plenty of parking behind The Windsor Town Hall: 275 Broad Street. The town Green is right in front of Town Hall. We recommend arriving by 9:00 am to unload and set up. There will be volunteers on the Green to show you your assigned space. Port-O-Lets are available on the Green.

We have volunteers that will stop by occasionally to see if you need a bathroom or food break, if you don’t have a booth partner.


Breakdown starts at 3:30 pm. If you still have customers by all means continue to sell!


We’ve advertised in local media and online via Facebook, Instagram, The Patch, and more.) We hope our event surprises and delights you and wish you a very successful entrepreneurial season. Thank you for choosing The Windsor Monarch Fest to participate in! Please share our event flyer with family and friends, and on social media!

Please re-confirm if you need electricity. If you have any questions, please contact us asap:

Thank you!


Suzanne Urban, Upcycled Planter Challenge Coordinator
Ken Fredette, First Town Downtown Executive Director
Mae Maloney, The Windsor Monarch Fest Chairperson
Paula Pierce, First Town Downtown Marketing Director

Mission Statement
The mission of First Town Downtown is to position and promote Windsor Center as a premier New England town center that protects and utilizes its proud heritage as the basis for developing vibrant recreational, economic and cultural activity.

Become a member of First Town Downtown and be a part of the growth of Windsor's downtown area and Windsor as a whole! Join or Renew your membership in First Town Downtown, Windsor's Main Street program.

  • Address:161 Broad St, Windsor, CT

  • Phone: 860-247-8982

  • Email: