**DISCOUNTED prices for new and renewed banners!**
Take the opportunity to brand your company or organization while supporting the community your customers live and work in. The best part of the Banner program is, FTDT does all the work, while your company gets all the positive recognition. It has never been so easy for your business to sponsor a part of Windsor!
The banners are displayed right in the center of town offering our sponsor's businesses positive exposure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Hundreds of people drive and walk through Windsor each day--make sure your business or organization is represented! Learn more here!
If you love food and drink, join other foodies at the 7th annual First Town Downtown (FTDT) Taste of Windsor on Saturday, March 4th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Loomis Chaffee's Dining Hall. The evening will be filled with a wide variety of appetizers and main dish samplings donated by Windsor's own unique restaurants. Buy tickets here!
First Town Downtown holds its Main Street Matter Morning meetings 3 times per year. First Town Downtown members, center businesses and property owners are welcome to attend and get an update on the latest news and projects pertaining to the center of town.
February's breakfast will take place on Wednesday Feb 22nd starting at 9am at the Windsor Station Apartments (55 Mechanic Street). Join us for a walk through of units featured in the new, highly anticipated facility! Free for FTDT members, $5 entry for non-members. To RSVP by Feb 13th by calling 860-688-5715 or e-mail victoria@firsttowndowntown.org.
The perfect gift for any occasion! Make your family, friend, or business a part of Windsor history for generations to see. Personalize your brick with up to 3 lines of text and available images. Our next installation ceremony will be June 7th, 2017. Order your brick here!