First Town Downtown Windsor CT

Windsor CT Main Street Program
Phone: 860-247-8982

> First Town Downtown > About > News > FTDT News: March 23, 2020

FTDT News: March 23, 2020

Governor Lamont has signed an executive order directing all non-essential businesses and not-for-profit entities in Connecticut to prohibit all in-person functions effective Monday, March 23, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. Read the Executive Order here

More resources for businesses are listed below. And to our Windsor residents, and everyone else, please stay inside if you can, and stay safe.

Virtual Business Roundtable

Join First Town Downtown Vice President, Richard Esposito, on the Chamber's virtual Business Roundtable conference call on Mondays from 12-1 p.m. This is an opportunity to share how you're grappling with the Covid-19 crisis, get ideas from your peers, and support each other.

Click here to join the Roundtable. You can also phone in at 646-876-9923 and enter meeting id: 344 422 622.

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Online Auction

Online Auction

Thank you to all of you who donated or bid on items during our online auction on Facebook! We were so happy to be able to pivot and make the auction happen in the wake of our Taste of Windsor event cancellation.

If you are one of the winners of the auction (pictured at right), you can pay for your item(s) online using the link below or click here and we'll arrange to get your item to you.

And a BIG THANK YOU to our Taste of Windsor sponsors!
* Windsor Federal Savings
* Konica Minolta
* Loomis Chaffee School
* Wilson Paint and Wallpaper

Without your support we could not have pulled this off.

Thank you!

Pay (or donate) online

Business Resources and Programs

Read all about the business programs we have setup for our Windsor center members!

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Upcoming Events

Advanced Adult Art
(2 days)
Intro to Modern Calligraphy: Discover the Art of Beautiful Writing
Open Studio
Comedy Night by the Windsor Junior Woman's Club
Advanced Adult Art
Introduction to Soft Pastels
Douglass Day Transcribe-a-thon
(7 days)
Taste of Windsor - restaurant week & online auction
Dip Pen & Watercolor Food Workshop
Advanced Adult Art

Mission Statement
The mission of First Town Downtown is to position and promote Windsor Center as a premier New England town center that protects and utilizes its proud heritage as the basis for developing vibrant recreational, economic and cultural activity.

Become a member of First Town Downtown and be a part of the growth of Windsor's downtown area and Windsor as a whole! Join or Renew your membership in First Town Downtown, Windsor's Main Street program.

  • Address:161 Broad St, Windsor, CT

  • Phone: 860-247-8982

  • Email: