First Town Downtown Windsor CT

Windsor CT Main Street Program
Phone: 860-247-8982

> First Town Downtown > About > News > FTDT News: 10/19/2020

FTDT News: 10/19/2020

Thank You To Our Market Partners!

Thank You To Our Market Partners!

A big thank you to our Presenting Sponsors Windsor Federal Savings and Carmon Funeral Homes for supporting our Farmers' Market so we can help provide local fresh produce, food and items in Windsor center.

And thanks to our Market Partners for their support: ACE Hardware, James Selig Estate Jewelry & Antiques, Loomis Chaffee School, and The Blue Dragonfly!

And of course, we can't forget to thank all the wonderful people that came to shop the Farmers' Market making it very successful year for our local farmers and vendors!

Featured Board Member

Featured Board Member

My name is Mel Madigan, I am the proud owner of the bean @ 226. Moved here from Seattle WA in 2005, and absolutely love the east coast. I fell in love with Windsor center the day I came to town to check out the coffee shop that I wanted to purchase. Being a history buff, knowing I was going to be living in the oldest town in Connecticut was so great. All of the beautiful homes, the history, the town green, I knew I wanted to come in to town and make a difference and have a positive impact. I admire how much this town wants to genuinely see small business succeed and grow. Everyone here is so nice. I often say I have found my hidden valley ranch commercial (if you haven't seen it check out the commercial, you will completely understand what I am talking about.) I want to give back to this community what Windsor has given to me.

Upcoming Events

Advanced Adult Art
(2 days)
Intro to Modern Calligraphy: Discover the Art of Beautiful Writing
Open Studio
Comedy Night by the Windsor Junior Woman's Club
Advanced Adult Art
Introduction to Soft Pastels
Douglass Day Transcribe-a-thon
(7 days)
Taste of Windsor - restaurant week & online auction
Dip Pen & Watercolor Food Workshop
Advanced Adult Art

Mission Statement
The mission of First Town Downtown is to position and promote Windsor Center as a premier New England town center that protects and utilizes its proud heritage as the basis for developing vibrant recreational, economic and cultural activity.

Become a member of First Town Downtown and be a part of the growth of Windsor's downtown area and Windsor as a whole! Join or Renew your membership in First Town Downtown, Windsor's Main Street program.

  • Address:161 Broad St, Windsor, CT

  • Phone: 860-247-8982

  • Email: