The Windsor Center Complete Street and Transit-Oriented Development networking dinner and roundtable discussion will take place at the Windsor Station Apartments (69 Mechanic Street) on Tuesday, February 4th from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. This is a free event, but RSVP is required because space is limited.
This event has reached capacity. If you are interested, please RSVP for our next meeting on March 4th at Jim's Pizza here:RSVP for March 4th
Discussion topics - Complete Streets, road diets, walkable and bike-able town centers, economic and transit-oriented development opportunities in the town center.
The Windsor Center gift card program is off to a great start! Over 300 gift cards were purchased over the holidays to the tune of $30,000 that will now stay in Windsor center instead of being spent out of town. Thank you to Loomis Chaffee School, especially, for supporting the center!
Windsor restaurants, plan to attend our Taste of Windsor event in March! Sign up early and we'll be able to get more info into the pre-event publicity.
All other Windsor businesses - sponsor Taste of Windsor and get your business or organization in the program and in front of 150+ Windsor/regional attendees for as little as $150. click here