First Town Downtown Windsor CT

Windsor CT Main Street Program
Phone: 860-247-8982

> First Town Downtown > Things To Do > Calendar > Voice-Overs

March, 2025show full yearClose
Date:March 10th, 2025.
Time:6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Location:Online: Virtual Class
Contact:Windsor Adult Education - 860-687-2000 Ext. 1271 or
Tuition: $25

In what could be the most enlightening 2-hours you’ve ever spent, this class will show you how you can begin using your speaking voice for commercials, films, videos, and more. Most people go about it the wrong way.

In this introductory class, you will learn about a unique, outside-the-box way to break into this creative, fulfilling, and potentially lucrative industry. Voice-overs can be managed on your own terms, on your own turf, in your own time, and with minimal overhead!
Whether you choose to pursue voice-overs part-time or full-time, this could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

Students will receive an email with the link before the start of class.

To register and pay go to

Mission Statement
The mission of First Town Downtown is to position and promote Windsor Center as a premier New England town center that protects and utilizes its proud heritage as the basis for developing vibrant recreational, economic and cultural activity.

Become a member of First Town Downtown and be a part of the growth of Windsor's downtown area and Windsor as a whole! Join or Renew your membership in First Town Downtown, Windsor's Main Street program.

  • Address:161 Broad St, Windsor, CT

  • Phone: 860-247-8982

  • Email: