| | | You are invited to join Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation Circuit Rider Gregory Farmer, Assistant Town Planner Abby Kenyon, and Historic District Commission Chair Steve Rubino at Windsor Historical Society on April 20, 2017 at 7 p.m. for a FREE discussion about what historic preservation is and why it matters in Windsor, and statewide. In conjunction with the unveiling of Windsor’s Historic District Commission’s new guidebook, discover more about The Historic District Commission’s work in Windsor and the statewide impact of historic districts. For a more personal look, we’ll hear from Sophie Groenstein, a Windsor High School student in Marge Renno’s pre-AP Art class. Sophie and fellow classmates created collages inspired by the historic architecture of Windsor’s Palisado Green, Palisado Cemetery and Farmington River Bridge. Many students in this class felt their connection to Windsor was deepened through the experience of looking closely and learning within Windsor’s Historic District.
The new guidebook may be accessed online at http://townofwindsorct.com/documents/departments/planning/docs/Handbook_Adopted_Sept_2016.pdf. There will be copies available to browse at the program, and afterwards, in Windsor Historical Society’s library.